1.In encounter other when a few teaching material have different view, this knowledge that can go up in jotter is tagged by the dot.
2.As Paul Moore, the sacked whistleblower at HBOS, said of his own management: "They were not inclined to listen to a different view" .
3.Our relationship should be strong enough to address not only those issues on which we agree, but those on which we take a different view.
4."Then we will take a really different view of it, since it will become more of a GNOME package than it is now, " he said.
5.Oh, I'm excited. It's really nice having so many people with, you know, different view come together.
6.How can the top economy wonks in the two largest economies in the world have such a fundamentally different view where policy needs to go?
7.It allows you to see the world in a different view and to capture unique and fun pictures.
8.Each one of them shares with me a different view of the universe.
9.That's it. You've been a place which used to be your dream place but only to find a different view.
10.Both have a different view and sometimes we do not agree but it is interesting to see how people think.